4. Elements or components of the risk management system of the company or organi

4. Elements or components of the risk management system of the company or organization (Characterize in a concrete and summarized way the structure or system of comprehensive risk management that the company or organization applies using duly exposed schemes). This part is completed i included it because question 5 refers to in order to do the compare and contrast. I have also included what I completed for question for for you to reference

5. Comparison of the methodological aspects of the comprehensive risk management system (Compare and explain, in their own words, the arguments, similarities or differences between the remethodological aspects developed or applied by the company vs. the methodological aspects addressed in the thought reference of axis 2; duly exposed diagrams or matrices may be used).

6. Reflective or critical point of view of the company’s comprehensive risk management system (Each member of the group must write two paragraphs (of 5 lines), at the end of each contribution in parentheses indicate the name of the member who offers the point of view, which accounts for or highlights the relevance or weakness of the risk management system compared).

7. Bibliographic references (Citation and reference standards in APA 7th version must apply)

I have also included the report for FY 2023, However I have attached FY 2022 for you to reference. I also included some of the information that I have extracted from the paper.

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