For this assignment, you will write a paper on the pharmacological management of

For this assignment, you will write a paper on the pharmacological management of Diabetes. The paper should include a review of the:

  • Select a disease process that is of interest to you- DIABETES
  • Pathophysiology of the disease state.
  • Review of the pharmacological agents used for treatment and important information related to advanced practice nurse.
  • Each student will clearly write a title for this topic: For examples, “Pharmacological Effects of Anti-Hypertensive Medications in the Management of Hypertension”.

Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
  • The paper should be formatted per the current APA and 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles within your work.

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