In this unit, you will continue to practice your information literacy and databa

In this unit, you will continue to practice your information literacy and database search skills while turning your attention to formatting a document in Microsoft Word. The assignment this week will relate to your topic that you first selected in the Week 5 Discussion. You will compose a Word document related to your topic for a grade this week. (USLO 7.

)#3 How digital literacy skills will help me in the healthcare setting

CHI teams up with Coventry University and Nursing Now to improve the digital literacy skills of early-career nurses. (2022). World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, 30(3), 59.Instructions

Use the article from the Galen Library database that you selected for your Week 5 Discussion. Complete the following steps in a paper using Microsoft Word:

  1. Begin with an APA-formatted title page (be sure to use the 7th edition APA temple Insert a page break after the title page to begin your summary.
  2. Beginning on page 2, write a 500-word article summary that includes a topic sentence.
    1. An academic summary focuses on identifying what is most important in the article and relating those facts in APA format. You can use your Academic Writer account for help with APA format.
    2. The topic sentence should tell readers the title of the article, the name of the author, and what you’ve determined the main point of the article to be. This paper should be an attempt at formal, academic writing using APA style. View the following sample paper to guide your APA formatting: Sample APA Style Paper (available in Canvas).
  3. Insert a page break to create your References page. Since you’re going to be summarizing an article that has been published in an academic journal and you’re going to have found that journal in one of Galen Library’s online databases, the reference on the References page will be written as follows:

Author, A. A. (year). Title of the article using sentence capitalization. Name of Journal Using Title Capitalization, volume#(issue#), page range of entry.

Ex: Jackson, S. (2017). The stages of patient admission. Journal of Nursing, 7(1), 45 – 48.

Items of note:

  • For the volume and issue number, you will only list the numbers.
  • The volume number will be italicized, but the issue number will not be italicized.
  • Use sentence capitalization for the title of the article; that is, you’re only going to capitalize the first word of the title and any proper nouns.

This document should be formatted according to APA standards:

  • Times New Roman, 12 pt. font or Calibri, 11 pt. font
  • Double-spaced lines
  • 1″ margins for the entire document
  • First-line indent for all new paragraphs
  • Title page
  • Page numbers
  • Reference page with a correctly written APA reference, formatted with hanging indent

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