InstructionsPurpose: The purpose of this assignment is to explore the roles of


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to explore the roles of the nurse informaticist


Interview a nursing informaticist or nursing informatics instructor. These titles are also applicable:

Nurse Informaticist, Nursing Informatics Specialist, Nursing Informatics Clinician, Clinical Nurse Informatics Specialist, Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, Perioperative Informatics Nurse, Nursing Informatics System Specialist, Clinical Informatics Specialist

Please email if you are unsure if a job title is eligible for the assignment.

Here are the questions to ask and report on (Interview questions may be asked via email):

  • How did you become interested in informatics?
  • Do you belong to any Informatics-related Organizations?
    • If so, which one(s) did you choose and why?
  • What were some challenges you experienced when you entered the field?
  • What Informatics tools do you see being used in the pandemic?
  • What advice would you give someone interested In Nursing Informatics as a career?

Write a paper in APA format of 2-3 pages that includes the answers to your questions and a discussion comparing how their responses align with or differ from Chapter 6 in your textbook.

Module Objectives

This assignment aids in the attainment of the following Module Objectives:

  • MO 1: Define and explain nursing informatics metastructures (CO 1,2,4,6,7)
  • MO 2: Discuss the data information knowledge wisdom (DIKW) paradigm (CO 1,4,7)
  • MO 3: Define data, information, knowledge, and wisdom (CO 1,4,7)
  • MO 4: Discuss nursing informatics as a specialty (CO 1,2,3,6,7)
  • MO 5: Examine HIPPA, HITECH Act, and implications of nursing practice (CO 1,2,4,6,7)

About the author

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