Link to Reading: Worms Shadows and Whirpools .pdf Based on the Science Readings

Link to Reading: Worms Shadows and Whirpools .pdf

Based on the Science Readings in Early Childhood– Reflect on what you learned from the readings and assignments that has added to your understanding of early learning as it relates to specific science concepts and developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood.

Provide a 2 page written reflection framed by new understandings you gained from the reading of Science in the Early Childhood Classroom: Worms, Shadows and Whirlpools.

Part 1 Principles and Practices Essential to a Quality Early Childhood Science Program (10pts) _ Summarize new understandings you gained from this reading about early childhood science. Elaborate on what constitutes a high quality early childhood science program. What are the characteristics of such program and as such what are children in this environment likely to be observed doing as they participate in a quality Early Childhood Science program (10 pts).

Part 2 The Science Content (10 pts)– Describe your understanding of inquiry in the early childhood classroom as it relates to science content. How do children develop early science content knowledge through inquiry- provide an example. How specifically does inquiry support the early age child’s natural curiosities and serve to naturally capitalize to this? (10 pts)

Part 3 Final Thoughts (10pts) – Provide YOUR questions as a result of this reading and thoughts about your own role in early childhood science teaching and learning. What do you feel are the challenges for early childhood teachers who engage students in learning this way? Reflect personally on the challenges vs. the learning outcomes that can result form framing your teaching with this method.. (10 pts)

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