Objective:To analyze and understand the biomechanics and muscle involvement in a


To analyze and understand the biomechanics and muscle involvement in a specific human movement or exercise.


  1. Select a Movement:
    • Choose one specific human movement or exercise to analyze. Examples include:
      • Squat
      • Push-up
      • Running gait cycle
      • Bicep curl
      • Jumping
  2. Describe the Movement:
    • Provide a detailed description of the selected movement. Include:
      • Starting position
      • Key phases of the movement (e.g., eccentric, concentric)
      • Ending position
  3. Muscle Involvement:
    • Identify and describe the primary muscles involved in the movement. For each muscle, include:
      • Name of the muscle
      • Origin and insertion points
      • Actions performed by the muscle during the movement
  4. Joint Actions:
    • Analyze the joints involved in the movement. For each joint, include:
      • Type of joint (e.g., hinge, ball-and-socket)
      • Specific movements occurring at the joint (e.g., flexion, extension, rotation)
      • Range of motion required
  5. Biomechanics:
    • Discuss the biomechanics of the movement. Consider:
      • Forces acting on the body (e.g., gravity, ground reaction force)
      • Lever systems involved
      • Balance and stability considerations
  6. Common Errors:
    • Identify and explain common errors that can occur during the movement. For each error, discuss:
      • Potential causes
      • Impact on performance and injury risk
      • Corrective strategies
  7. Practical Application:
    • Provide practical advice for performing the movement correctly. Include:
      • Tips for proper technique
      • Progressions or modifications for different skill levels
      • Safety precautions


  • Write a detailed report based on the above sections.
  • Include diagrams or images to illustrate key points.
  • Cite relevant textbooks, research articles, and other sources.
  • Submit your report in a Word document or PDF format by the specified deadline.

Grading Criteria:

  • Completeness and accuracy of the movement description
  • Depth of analysis of muscle involvement and joint actions
  • Clarity and thoroughness of biomechanical discussion
  • Identification and explanation of common errors
  • Practical and actionable advice for correct performance
  • Quality of writing, use of references, and adherence to academic standards

This assignment will help you deepen your understanding of human movement, muscle function, and biomechanics, which are essential components of kinesiology

About the author

Pretium lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus donec ultricies tortor adipiscing fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque consectetur risus molestie curae malesuada. Dignissim lacus convallis massa mauris enim mattis magnis senectus montes mollis phasellus.

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