Read Chapter 1 (Making Complexity Work) in the Fullan book. Respond to the quest

Read Chapter 1 (Making Complexity Work) in the Fullan book. Respond to the questions provided below

Leading in a Culture of Change Chapter 1

Submit this assignment with a cover sheet and a Reference Page citing the Fullan book as a reference in APA style. Write in complete sentences. Type the question and add your response to each. This assignment should be single-spaced. There is no required page length for this assignment; however, each response is to be reflective, thorough, and well-developed.

Question #1-Refer to Figure 1.1. (Page 9) A framework for leadership.In three sentences, summarize what the Figure means to you as it relates to school leadership.

Question #2- Why is having fear not a bad thing for leaders?

Question #3- “Change is a double-edged sword.” What does this mean to you as it relates to school leadership?

Question #4-Name a time when change was presented that made you feel somewhat anxious and fearful.

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