Research Proposal for Everything Automotive Top of Form Hide Assignment Inf

Research Proposal for Everything Automotive

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For this assignment, complete the required reading for this week and then review the Recurring Case Scenario on page 20 of Marketing Research for Small Business: An Efficient and Effective Functional Approach.

Describe the marketing research process you recommend to the owner of Everything Automotive, Matt Brown.

Use the Research Proposal Template to record your work.

Based on this week’s Learning Resources, address the following in the template provided:

  • Identify the research problem clearly and justify why you selected it.
  • Clearly and explicitly specify hypotheses (i.e., research questions) central to the problem you have selected.
  • Describe the data needed to adequately test the hypotheses and explain how the data will be obtained.
  • Describe the methods you will use to analyze the data to determine whether your hypotheses are true or false.

How Your Work Will Be Evaluated

  • The research problem is described clearly and is easy to understand.
  • The hypotheses are clearly presented and are relevant to the research problem.
  • The data needed to adequately test the hypotheses and how the data will be collected are clearly presented and relevant.
  • The proposal clearly communicates the rationale for selecting the data to analyze and cites more than two relevant sources to support the recommendations.
  • The submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization, and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format.

Submit your assignment to the dropbox below or to the assignments folder.

Due on Jul 2, 2024 11:59 PM

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