The social institutions known as marriage and family were created to enhance/ens

The social institutions known as marriage and family were created to enhance/ensure human existence and quality of human life. Historically, they have been so vital that many Americans have taken great pride in so-called, “stable traditional family life” and; thus, individuals and/or groups of people tend to resist major changes in these social institutions. However, numerous changes have occurred in the last several decades! Identify at least a couple of changes that you believe have occurred which may have impacted these institutions/human life the most. Explain how and why the change(s) may have impacted the institutions. Are these institutions becoming obsolete or is it in a state of long-term/major transitioning? Do the changes enhance and ensure human existence/quality of human life…including such things as the use of technology and social media? Respond in 3-4 paragraphs and include information that you have learned in the module…lecture, videos and/or websites. Post pictures, documents, websites, videos, podcasts or diagrams that may enhance your position.

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