The topic is Abusive Supervision Choose 8-10 of the best references you’ve ident

The topic is Abusive Supervision

Choose 8-10 of the best references you’ve identified during your literature research during the semester to prepare a literature review. Take insights identified during the annotated bibliograph as a basis to build your Literature Review. Use examples, lecture notes, communication context planning (discussion & grid/matrix) and class presentations to develop content for the main body of the communication. The key feature of a Literature Review is the organization and comprehensive analysis of the set of references as a whole. An analysis of the individual articles is not sufficient, however. A Literature Review requires an analysis placed in the context of the entire body of articles read (the synthesis element).


The following elements are required (the entire document must be consistent with current APA formatting requirements):

  • APA Formatted Title Page
  • Abstract Page (do not exceed 250 words/include keywords)
  • Main Body Sections: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
  • Subheadings may be used in the Body section, see Chapter 16 for guidelines for use of headings/subheadings
  • APA Formatted Reference Page: All references listed must be cited in the body of the literature review and all citations in the body of the literature review must be listed on the reference page.

Additional Requirements

  • Font – 11 pt. Arial or Calibri
  • Paragraph – 1.5 line spaced
  • Margins – 1 inch all sides
  • Total Length – 8 to 9 pages including Title, Abstract and References
  • References – 8 to 10 scholarly articles

I will attached my annotated bibliography if that helps

About the author

Pretium lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus donec ultricies tortor adipiscing fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque consectetur risus molestie curae malesuada. Dignissim lacus convallis massa mauris enim mattis magnis senectus montes mollis phasellus.

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