Use the attached Template to complete the below case study. Support your work wi

Use the attached Template to complete the below case study. Support your work with 6 APA reference.

Case Study 1: Debbie

History of Present Illness (HPI): Debbie is a 19yearold female G1P0010. She presents to your office as a
new patient for GYN visit. Her chief complaint is mild lower abdominal pain and a copious amount of
vaginal discharge that started a little over 1 week ago. She is sexually active and reports having four male
partners in the last six months.
Prior medical history: Depression, HSV2. Prior surgical history: Surgical termination of pregnancy 1
year ago
Current medications: Lo loestrin Fe. Allergies: None
OB GYN History: Surgical TOP x 1. Menarche age 9, cycle length 7 days frequency every 28 days 3 4
tampons per day. Hx of HSV2. Never had pap smear.
LMP: 2 weeks ago normal. Contraception history: OCP since TOP 1 year ago.
Social history: Lives parents. Denies ETOH or recreational drug use, never smoker. Graduated high
school. Not in college. Works FT as a waitress.
Family history: Mother depression. Father unknown
Review of Systems (ROS): Negative except as noted in HPI.
Physical Exam (PE)
VS: BP: 112/80, P: 72, RR: 16, T: 98.4, Weight: 110 lbs., Height 54 in, BMI 18.9 kg/m2
General: WDWN female in NAD
Abd: Soft, NT/ND, no masses/HSM
GU: No external lesions, no erythema. Mucopurulent endocervical exudate visible in the
endocervical canal, sample obtained cervix is friable. Mild CMT, no uterine tenderness, no
adnexal tenderness, no masses.

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