Week 1 Discussion: Begin Your Yellowdig Discussion Responsibility to Clients Rea

Week 1 Discussion: Begin Your Yellowdig Discussion

Responsibility to Clients

Read Bannerman et al.’s 1990 article, “Balancing the Right to Habilitation With the Right to Personal Liberties: The Rights of People With Developmental Disabilities to Eat Too Many Doughnuts and Take a Nap,” in your Week 1: A History of Ethics in ABA and the Core PrinciplesLinks to an external site. reading list. Then, begin a conversation with your course community related to at least ONE of the following:

  • Have you ever been in a situation where the rights of the client were not fully considered? If you have not been in this situation, what is a hypothetical situation in which client rights would not be fully considered?
  • How can a behavior analyst respect the rights of their client while also ensuring appropriate treatment?
  • What core principles discussed this week do you see as relevant to this discussion, and why?
  • Share a link to a blog post or other popular media that addresses rights of the clients, and explain how you see the points made in 1990 by Bannerman et al. addressed in new or different ways.

As always, if you are relying on someone else’s ideas when presenting yours, you should reference your source. This includes sharing references to your fellow students’ ideas! Visit Evidence and APALinks to an external site.for help with references.

Response Guidelines

  • Your Participation: Your interactions and anything you share in Yellowdig should be courteous, succinct, professional, well written and organized. Communicating clearly with proper grammar and punctuation will foster more and better interactions with your classmates.
  • Your Post: Please post something to the community related to the content covered this week. Do not create your post as a reply to the pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Createoption to start a conversation.
  • Responding to Peers: As you respond to your classmates, share your professional experiences and helpful thoughts and feedback about ideas they have shared. Try to comment on those where you feel you have the most useful information to share and consider the following:
    • How have your experiences resonated with their ideas?
    • What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far?
    • Consider exploring the features of Yellowdig, such as your ability to embed videos and pictures, create polls and videos, use hashtags, love or like a post, and so on.

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