YOUNG ADULTHOOD To prepare for this Discussion: Review the Learning Resources Re


To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources
  • Required Readings
    • Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2020). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
  • Consider the presenting issues and developmental implications of your assigned client, aged 19–29.
  • Select one of the following theoretical models to use as a lens for your Discussion post:
    • Schaie’s Theory
    • Perry’s Theory of Intellectual and Ethical Development
    • Kitchner’s Model of the Development of Reflective Judgment
    • Holland’s Theory of Personality-Environment Types
    • Super’s Developmental Approach
  • Using the Walden Library, locate 1–2 recent (5 years or less) peer-reviewed articles related to the issues facing your young adult client or the theoretical model you selected.


  • Describe the client’s developmental level as informed by the theoretical model you selected.
  • Explain how you might develop rapport with the client and promote engagement in the counseling process.
  • Briefly describe developmentally-supportive goals for the client, based on the theoretical model you have selected.
  • Justify your response with references to this week’s Learning Resources and 1–2 peer-reviewed articles from the past 5 years.

Note: Identify the last name of your assigned client family in the title of your post.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues, preferably one with the same client as you, and one with a different client. Offer new perspectives, approaches, suggestions, or considerations for working with the client and family. You may opt to post your peer response as a video to enhance engagement and personalization of your reply.


For this discussion, you will be working once again with your client family. Your client is a young adult with specific presenting issues. Please be sure you access the client information using THIS WEEK’S link, found under “Resources.” The clients and ages are:

(MY ASSIGN CLIENT: Gabby (Martinez) — age 19

Your main discussion post should address all areas of the discussion prompt. An outline for your post might look like this (but your actual post should not be bulleted):

Introduction (no heading)
— brief overview of client & presenting issues
— identification of developmental theory you are using to conceptualize this client

— identification of your client’s developmental level or stage according to the theory you selected
Promoting Positive Development
— how you will develop rapport and promote engagement in counseling
— how theory of choice will help you with this task
— approach/goals based on selected developmental theory and level
— why and how developmental theory helps to conceptualize client
— why and how developmental theory supports counselor’s efforts to facilitate development

(include the B&B text plus 1-2 peer-reviewed resources from the Walden Library)

Please remember to include your client family name in the subject heading of your post. For example, those assigned the Martinez family would use the title “Main Discussion Post — Martinez.”

Resources used should include the Broderick and Blewitt (2020) text and at least 1-2 peer-reviewed articles you found to support your points.

Your main discussion post should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and an ability to apply concepts. All posts should adhere to APA format and be free from errors in writing.

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